So what is this trip to Spain really all about?
My father, my boyfriend, and I have to opportunity to experience a part of one of the last religious pilgrimages for the Christian faith. The story of El Camino de Santiago or The Way of Saint James is that the remains of Saint James were carried by boat from Jerusalem to the northern coast of Spain. His bones were buried there and a Cathedral was erected in his honor. This is the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, the end of the walk.
At the Cathedral each pilgrim shows their Pilgrim's Credential as proof that they did not cheat by driving, but that they actually made the pilgrimage on foot. The Pilgrim's Credential is a document similar to a passport that you carry with you all along the trail. At every alburgues (hostel) in which you spend the night, as well as any cafes or bars along the way, there will be a stamp to add to your credential. you must collect these stamps or you will not be eligible to receive La Compostela, a diploma awarded to pilgrims by the Catholic church. If you made the pilgrimage for religious reasons, you are entitled to receiving this Latin inscribed diploma. (You will receive a diploma of a different color that is not written in latin if you state a different reason for your pilgrimage.)
The trip presents the opportunity for you to have some time away from the bustle of the busy modern world. Hopefully after walking this ancient route I will return to my life with a new found sense of peace and tranquility. This trip isn't just about the adventure; it's the opportunity to find myself.
I hope each of you find the direction God has planned for you at this time in your life.